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The Two Fannies

The Two Fannies are two politically incorrect nurses, with one common goal:

'The elimination of all Narcissists!'
Take a peak behind their 'Fanny Curtains' - and into their world of mishaps and mayhem.
In a world full of darkness and despair-Join 'The Two Fannies' in their mission to help spread hap-penis around this narcissistic dominated world!
Their first book 'The Tales of Two Fannies' Is out now  in all reputable book stores-so grab your copy now!

Buy the book online now!

About us:

The Two Fannies are two middle aged nurses with careers that span over 50 years in the nursing service. 
With bladders the size of watermelons, and Melons as droopy as Spaniels Ears, The Two Fannies boldly go where no nurse has ever dared to go before.
The Two Fannies lift the lid on those unspeakable secrets that are are usually kept well and truly tucked behind the hospital doors!
Hold onto your fanny Flaps or Sholong's as you are taken on a roller coaster ride of your life...!

The Tales of Two Fannies

Our first book 'The Tales of Two Fannies'  is OUT NOW!  Prepare yourself Fannies Cocks and Rainbow drops! They will take you on the ride of your life!

Available in the UK, China , Germany, Italy, Turkey, Australia and NZ, the Fannies are getting around the globe at superfast speed!

Follow The Two Fannies as they tell the hilarious and no holes barred tales of their nursing escapades;

  • Meet Sholong Wong, a narcissistic nymphomaniac that sows his toxic seed to grow his harem of women and little Wong Clones. 

  • Dr Weasel...a narcissistic surgeon that will make sure you wash cut and blow dry before coming for your surgery!

  • And lets not forget the frozen lady that comes back from the dead!

The Two  Fannies promise you belly splitting laughter from start to finish!   

Buy online now at WHSmith , Waterstones , Goodreads, Fishpond, Book Depository, Amazon and Olympia online.                                     

                                             You will not be disappointed!

Thank you~

The Fannies want to give a Fanny high five to all the healthcare workers around the world!
To the Orderlies, Cleaners, Doctors and Nurse's, Consultant's,  and whoever the fuck we have forgotten..Thank you for all for your unwavering care during the COVID -19 pandemic!
You all rock!

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